
Founding Partners

The newly dubbed ‘Nebraska Junior Golf’ (NJG) will continue the great partnership between the two organizations that began with the Nebraska Junior Golf Tour in 2009. Nebraska Junior Golf will be an umbrella organization for all junior programs run by the Nebraska PGA and the NGA , and will also include an avenue to other opportunities for juniors to learn and play the game throughout the state. The effort to create a “one-stop shop” for junior golfers and their parents will make it easier for those wanting to get involved in the game to know what opportunities are available. Nebraska Junior Golf provides junior golfers of all ages and skill levels the opportunity to learn and play the game of golf.


The Nebraska Golf Association is a nonprofit organization that serves as the governing body for amateur golf in Nebraska. Founded in 1966, the NGA is dedicated to promoting the game of golf and serving its membership of over 160 clubs and more than 23,000 individual golfing members. In addition to conducting 10 statewide amateur championships and 7 USGA qualifiers, the NGA also offers a full-range of services to its members including: providing and administering the USGA's Golf Handicap and Information Network ("GHIN") service and system; issuing USGA Course, Slope & Pace of Play ratings for both member and non-member clubs; as well as conducting statewide educational seminars covering the aforementioned topics. For more information about the Nebraska Golf Association please visit their website at www.nebgolf.org.


The Nebraska Section of the PGA is one of 41 Sections that together comprise the PGA of America.  The Nebraska Section PGA is a non-for-profit organization comprised of approximately 249 PGA Members and 23 PGA Associates who strive to promote the enjoyment and growth of the game of golf.  The Nebraska Section PGA encompasses the entire State of Nebraska, western fifth of Iowa and a small portion of South Dakota including Dakota Dunes and Yankton.  The Section office is located in Lincoln, NE and acts as a resource for local and national golf information for the golf professional and amateur players alike.  Our members are often referred to as “Club Professionals”, not to be mistaken as PGA Tour Professionals.  Each Nebraska Section PGA Professional serves as an expert in the ever-changing business of golf.  They are the leading expert players and teachers, skilled business managers, community leaders, and superior merchandisers who have dedicated their careers to the local delivery of these services.



Nebraska Junior Golf Staff

Director of Nebraska Junior Golf

Kurt Karcher, PGA
Email: kkarcher@nebraskajuniorgolf.com

Digital Sports Media Director

Brett Renner
Email: brenner@pgahq.com

Nebraska Junior Golf Media Assistant


Nebraska Junior Golf Assistant


Nebraska Junior Golf Assistant


Nebraska Junior Golf Assistant


Nebraska Junior Golf Assistant


Nebraska Junior Golf Assistant


Nebraska Junior Golf Assistant


NJG Tour Site Directors
Matt Shaner - Central Nebraska
Kevin Peterson - Northeast
Kendra Trumbley - Lincoln/Omaha
Eric Welte - Omaha

Nebraska Golf Association Staff
Craig Ames - Executive Director
Justin Ahrens - Assistant Executive Director
Ben Vigil - Manager of Association Services

Nebraska PGA Staff
David Honnens, PGA - Executive Director
Seth Scollard, PGA - Assistant Executive Director
Renee Tyson - Managing Director
Derek Carlson, PGA - Tournament Director
Kurt Karcher, PGA - Director of Nebraska Junior Golf
Brett Renner - Digital Sports Media Director

Corporate Partners

Farmer's Mutual Insurance of Nebraska is the presenting sponsor of  Nebraska Junior Golf. Farmer's Mutual has been supporting Nebraska Junior Golf since 2014 and became the title sponsor in 2017. They believe strongly in family programming and the life lessons learned through golf. Farmers Mutual serves all areas of the Nebraska Junior Golf Tour including the state's of Nebraska and South Dakota. They are your one-stop shop for all policies including umbrella, Home, Auto and Farm & Ranch.

Five Points Bank is the presenting sponsor of the NJG Summit Series, Capital City Championship and the Central Nebraska Junior Amateur and has been a proud supporter since 2013. Five Points Bank is a locally and family owned Nebraska-based community bank. Founded in 1971, Five Points Bank is the seventh largest Nebraska-based bank serving the communities of Grand Island, Kearney, Omaha, Papillion, La Vista, Hastings, Lincoln and Sumner Nebraska. With nearly $1 billion in assets, Five Points Bank has been rated a five-five star bank – the highest available rating – by Bauer Financial Inc. and Bankrate.com.

Mizuno Golf is the sponsor of Nebraska Junior Golf presenting the NJG Tour Points Race and NJG Tour Players of the Year in each division. Mizuno Golf serves the communities in the Nebraska Junior Golf Tour territory and provide our athletes and their families with the best golf products expertly fitted and selected with the assistance of the professional team at Mizuno Golf.

Sid Dillon is the official vehicle dealer of Nebraska Junior Golf. Sid Dillon Auto group aims to relieve drivers of any stress associated with the car ownership experience. Sid Dillon in Fremont, NE graciously provides the NJG staff with a vehicle during the golf season making it possible to enhance the tournament experience for junior golfers across the state of Nebraska. Having access to an additional vehicle allows NJG to bring more staff to its events throughout the summer and provides the opportunity to divide and conquer when multiple NJG events occur on the same day. Our operations wouldn't be possible without Sid Dillon's support.

The PGA Tour is a supporting sponsor of Nebraska Junior Golf. The PGA Tour annually provides NJG with support in promoting junior golf throughout Nebraska, Western Iowa and Southern South Dakota.

The UNL PGM Program is the presenting sponsor of the NJG Spring & Fall Junior Series events. All of their students have one thing in common: they are passionate about golf. At the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s PGM Program, you will be able to do what you love and transform that passion into a successful career. All graduates will attain PGA membership and we have a 100% career placement rate upon graduation. Their collaborations with the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture’s Turfgrass and Landscape Management program, the College of Education and Human Science’s Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program and the College of Business make sure you are prepared for every aspect of working in today’s golf industry.

Nightcap Management is the Official Hotel Provider of Nebraska Junior Golf. At Nightcap Management, they know how important your business is and manage your property as if it were their own. Stressing the importance of day-to-day operations, exemplary guest service and attention to the little details to ensure your hotel is the best it can be. It is their goal to provide guests with an impeccable experience that keeps them coming back as well as creating a great return to investors.